
seedling update

My Tomato Seedlings

Tomatoes growing in the sun room.

It seems like forever since mid February, when the tomato seeds were first planted into their tiny little peat filled trays. Gardener's Delight, Black Krim, Kootenai and Green Zebra are the 4 varieties that are growing almost right under my eyes. Nurturing duties include daily watering, trimming back the leaves (to build hardy stalks and encourage a higher yield of fruit) and multiple transplants. Last night's upgrade was to roomier 8" pots plus heaps of extra (and super stinky) amending soil..... and they still have a long way to go. They will not be planted outside until sometime in June. Just when will be determined by how chilly the nights are. But lookie there! That yellow blossom holds the promise of good things to come. I can hardly wait.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I planted heirlooms also and they've been stuck trapped in their little containers due to our nutty weather here. We've had rain every weekend for a month straight with high winds! I've been afraid to transplant them! I have been posting mine also!