
ranty pants


O.k., just one last rant about plastic bags, and then I promise to shut up about it....at least for awhile. My Mom kindly ripped this tid bit from the newspaper for me last Saturday (thanks, June), and it is too good not to share. Leaf Rapids, Manitoba has become the first municipality in Canada to ban plastic bags! Since April of this year, any of the town's retailers who ignore the ban on selling or distributing single-use bags could find themselves facing $1000-a-day fines. How fabulous is that? San Fransico is in the process of implementing a similar ban, which will affect all its supermarkets by September of 2007, and its pharmacies sometime in early 2008.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey You
Love the blog mate, hope to see you in Lyton but may not make it as plans have changed last minute.

Big hugs, looking forward to the drinks on the deck.

Speak soon