
the dinner goddess

I met the dinner goddess by chance, while drinking my morning coffee. I'd already seen her striking turquoise and red business card around town and loved the name. I was delighted to talk to Lila Shaw Lash, to learn about what made this Texan transplant tick in San Miguel de Allende. It didn't take long to mutually realize that, in many ways, we are kindred spirits. We both love the obvious things about food, the immediate, but are just as drawn to and deeply moved by the people, places, history, culture and stories around food. Lila calls it culinary archeology, a term which I love. We share a desire to express our eclectic culinary experiences and observations through more than just the food itself, and also share a joy for communication and storytelling; to pass on that which has touched and inspired us, in hopes that others may feel the same.

During her days (and likely some of her evenings, too), the Dinner Goddess is a personal chef and catering service available to clients in SMA, and also writes her monthly column in one of its newspapers, Atencion San Miguel, where she also serves as its assistant editor. Lila is extremely knowledgeable about the local food scene and generously willing to share what it has to offer. I was sorry to not have had more time during my travels, to pal around with her a bit and learn more about some of her favourites.

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